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Sailing through Shennong Gorge

yangtze-shennong-stream-AJP5246.jpg Shennong Stream Narrow Passageway縮略圖Peaks of Shennong GorgeShennong Stream Narrow Passageway縮略圖Peaks of Shennong GorgeShennong Stream Narrow Passageway縮略圖Peaks of Shennong GorgeShennong Stream Narrow Passageway縮略圖Peaks of Shennong GorgeShennong Stream Narrow Passageway縮略圖Peaks of Shennong GorgeShennong Stream Narrow Passageway縮略圖Peaks of Shennong GorgeShennong Stream Narrow Passageway縮略圖Peaks of Shennong Gorge

Sailing through Shennong Gorge